Spectrum Centre fees are set to the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
Therapy Fees
Occupational Therapy / Social Work rate is $193.99 per hour, and time is billed for all time spent in session, and outside sessions for indirect services delivered, and travel time.
Psychology rate is $244.22 per hour, and time is billed for all time spent in session, and outside sessions for indirect services delivered, and travel time.
Improved Relationships (PBS) Fees
Specialist Behaviour Intervention Support rate is $244.22 per hour, and time is billed for all time spent in session, and outside sessions for indirect services delivered, and travel time.
Behaviour Management Plan rate is $244.22 per hour, and time is billed for all time spent in session, and outside sessions for indirect services delivered, and travel time.
Travel Fees
Travel time is calculated individually for each service location up to 30 minutes of hourly rate each direction.
Indirect Service Fees
Fees for required indirect services as agreed with the client / their representative.
Indirect services include: Telehealth appointments; phone calls and emails related to intervention goals/strategies with caregivers and other professionals; planning/documentation; assessment and analysis; development and writing of plans and recommendations; resource development; training as required.